Monthly Archives: January 2013

#candoc Tweetchat: Monday February 4 2013

Winter has arrived! At least is some parts of the country. And with it comes a multitude of health issues. This week we want to talk about Winter Blues and how it affects your routine, your BGs, and what you can do and are doing to stay on track.

Here are this weeks questions.

Q1. Do you notice any effects on your diabetes from Winter blues or S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)?

Q2. Does your routine change? Tracking your BGs? Outdoor activities? Carb counting?

Q3. Do you rely on friends and family to help with the Winter blues?

Q4. How do you combat the Winter blues? Any tips to keeping out of the slump?

Last but not least: #bgbingo – Just cause we can!

Join the twitter chat:
Monday February 4 2013
8-9 pm EST

You can join in via Twitter or in the Tweetchat here.

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Follow Can Doc on Twitter: @theCANDOC
Our Moderators: @NitaCure4T1D @AlannaSwartz @bestiebetes and @terrileigh

#candoc Chat week of January 14, 2013

Our topic this week will be about reaching advocacy goals and focusing volunteering efforts.


Do you intend to volunteer with a diabetes organization in 2013? If so with which organization?

What is your number one advocacy goal for 2013?

What do you look for in an organization when you are focusing on volunteering?

Do you donate money do a diabetes organization, but volunteer for another? Why?

Are there organizations that may be lesser-known in the social media world?

If you could work full-time/paid for any diabetes organization, which would you pick and why?